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Pertinent Employment History

July 2011 - December 2021

Forensic Analytical Crime Lab:
DNA Technical Lead Analyst;
Supervisor, Forensic Biology and DNA Analysis Unit

  • Supervised daily laboratory operations, method development, validation, and implementation pursuant to ANAB accreditation and FBI Quality Assurance Standards. Implemented robotic DNA extraction, Identifiler 15-STR and Investigator 24plex QS 21-STR autosomal gene and Yfiler 17-STR Y chromosome gene assays.

  • Prosecution and defense criminal casework from across the United States. Independent examination, sampling, and testing of myriad physical evidence specimens for human body fluids, through identification, digestion, quantification, amplification, profiling, and genotyping. Random match probability and probabilistic genotyping statistical weighting. Stand-alone report preparation and case technical review.

  • Semi-annual proficiency testing during my entire 10-year tenure. Trained new analysts in all aspects of casework.

  • Submitted numerous cases to CODIS.

  • Criminal and civil court testimony.

March 1999 - July 2011

Forensic Science Associates:
DNA Technical Lead Analyst

  • Conducted all physical evidence examinations and DNA analyses in joint investigations with Dr. Ed Blake for both the prosecution and defense in criminal cases from across the United States. Specialized in post-conviction/aged/minimal specimen testing.

  • 2001: Implemented Identifiler 15-STR locus autosomal and Yfiler 17-STR locus Y-chromosome gene assays.

  • Semi-annual external proficiency testing during my entire 12-year tenure.

  • Criminal and civil court testimony.

November 1996 - March 1999

San Francisco, CA Police Department:
DNA Technical Lead Analyst

  • 1996: Supervised the Forensic Biology and DNA Analysis Unit of the crime lab. Conducted independent casework.

  • 1997: Implemented PCR-based DNA analysis: DQA1/Polymarker, D1S80.

  • 1998: Implemented STR (Green I/Profiler Plus) testing via capillary electrophoresis.

  • Criminal court testimony.

1984 - 1993

Oakland, CA Police Department:
Criminalist II/III

  • 1985: Independent examination, sampling, identification, and genetic testing of myriad physical evidence specimens for human body fluids using convention serological methods including ABO, polymorphic enzymes, and other proteins.

  • 1990: Implemented PCR-based immobilized probe hybridization (DQA1/Polymarker) and vertical gel electrophoresis (D1S80 VNTR) DNA analysis including digestion, yield gel quantification, amplification, and genotyping. Random match probability statistical weighting.

  • Criminal court testimony. Case law: Peo v. Frank Smith, Jr. (1989) 215 Cal.App.3d 19

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